De Atari Collection 2 cartridge brengt 20 classic Atari 2600 en Atari 7800 games naar de Evercade! De cartridge wordt geleverd in een prachtige, fysieke verzamelbox in retrostijl.
Collectable cartridge nummer: 05
Bevat de games:
1. Air Sea Battle (2600)
2. Asteroids (7800)
3. Basketbrawl (7800)
4. Bowling (2600)
5. Centipede (7800)
6. Dark Chambers (2600)
7. Demons to Diamonds (2600)
8. Desert Falcon (7800)
9. Haunted House (2600)
10. Human Canonball (2600)
11. Millipede (2600)
12. Planet Smashers (7800)
13. Radar Lock (2600)
14. Realsports Tennis (2600)
15. Solaris (2600)
16. Sprintmaster (2600)
17. Street Racer (2600)
18. Submarine Commander (2600)
19. Wizard (2600)
20. Yars' Revenge (2600)
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